What Should I Expect at my first Kibble Pet Grooming appointment?
A member of our front desk team will great you and your pup and get you checked in. We will make note of any concern you may have (i.e. skin allergy, injury, etc.) If you are scheduled for a groom we will confirm the type of cut you want via the grooming preference sheet. If you wish to speak directly to the groomer, you may. We will confirm you have the necessary veterinary records and forms signed. We will contact you via call or text when your dog is ready to be picked up.
What information do I need to provide before my appointment?
For your first appointment, you will need to fill out the New Client Form, which is available on the website, and provide necessary veterinary records: Rabies vaccination, bordatella vaccination, and parvo vaccination.
When should I start getting my puppy groomed?
We recommend introducing your dog to grooming at the 12 week age. We may only accept dogs with the required veterinary information. We take extra care to ensure young puppies are comfortable for their first formal grooming and bathing experiences.
How often should I bring my dog in if he/she gets matted often?
If your dog mats easily and you prefer it to have longer hair cuts you should bring your dog in for a professional groom every 6-8 weeks. Regular brushing in between professional visits is recommended to prevent severe matting. If you prefer your long haired dog to have a shorter haircut, professional grooming every 8-10 weeks is sufficient with regular brushing in between visits.
What veterinary records do I need to provide?
We recommend introducing your dog to grooming at the 12 week age. We may only accept dogs with the required veterinary information. We take extra care to ensure young puppies are comfortable for their first formal grooming and bathing experiences.
What information do I need to provide as a first time client?
As a first time client you should fill out our New Client Form, which is available on the website at www.kibblepet.com. If you are unable to fill out the New Client Form online, you may fill one out in the salon upon arrival. You may scan the veterinary records into the New Client Form, email them to grooming@kibblepet.com, or provide us the veterinary clinic and phone number and we can contact your vet directly.
What if I am unsure as to which hair cut and style I want for my dog?
At check in, we offer a grooming preference sheet where you can indicate the desired length and style for each part of your dog. You may also speak to our groomer for recommendations.
Do you use products that are safe for sensitive skin?
Yes. All Kibble Pet products are free of sulfates, gluten, toxins, parabens, irritants, aharsh chemicals, and harsh fragrances.
What is human salon quality?
Human salon quality means that everything is human professional salon quality. Kibble Pet products have been formulated by the same experts that make human products and only use the best ingredients.
How long does a typical bath service take?
On average a bath takes between 3-4 hours depending on the size and hair type of the dog.
How long does a typical groom service take?
On average a bath takes between 3-4 hours depending on the size and hair type of the dog.
How does the Loyalty Program work?
The Kibble Pet Grooming Loyalty Program rewards you for choosing our salons. Stars are rewarded for services booked, and products purchased. You may redeem your stars for a complimentary bath, groom, or Kibble Pet product of your choice. Mix and match your stars, and use however you like! See your Loyalty Program page for details.